Monday, April 15, 2013

Gardening in April....

I've decided to try to blog about my gardens this year... both flower and vegetable.  I don't normally do the veggie garden, but my Hubby asked me for help with this years crop, so I decided to dive in with gusto.
One condition of my helping in the veggie garden was the use of black fabric weed block... I'm just not that into weeding and that has been a major problem in past years.

 The veggie garden was tilled up and turned over...  It looks pretty bear. 
We do have fruit trees, 2 peach, 2 pear, and 2 apple.
 This little pear tree was pulled over toward the east by a wild and crazy vine of some type last year.
I'm trying to get it back straight by using the blue rope to pull it back... 
I shorten the rope every day or so to pull it up.
So far, we've planted several varieties of tomatoes, 4 different colors of peppers,
yellow straight neck squash, 4 little corn plants for our grand daughter 
and some string beans
 The tomato cages are about 6 years old, but still holding up well.
 Our property is fairly windy out on the back half,
so we've added old landscape timbers to help hold down the weed-block.
I really hope this works....
The apple blossoms are really pretty this year.
Now if we can just keep the birds away from the apples!