1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. good fortune; luck: the serendipity of winning the first book contest I entered..
I am declaring 2014 a year of serendipity in reading... I've discovered the giveaways on goodreads website and I won 4 books the first day I started entering. Sooo, I've decided to read and review books won from various giveaways in 2014. I'll let chance be my reading guide this year.
I love to find new authors and even entire genres, so this is a great way to build my reading muscles.
I'll try to read them in the order the books are received. I'll post my reviews on goodreads, Amazon, and of course on my bookcrossing bookshelf ... I'll try to add pictures or copies of letters that are included in the prizes.
After reading these books, they will be passed on to others for them to read and possibly review.